Monday, April 19, 2010

Fun In LA

Its been quite a while that we have been to Mt Washington (Highland Pk), so we decided yesterday to go and visit my mom-in-luv who lives there. Its has also been some time since our last visit with her. She is elderly and frail but in good spirits. Her birthday is coming up and she will turn 87 years old this June. I call her Bennie and she is one of the kindest most sweetest persons any one could ever meet. She has been adopted and called grandma by many people in church. For the last 43 years I have never ever seen her angry or show any sign of anger toward anyone. 

My sis-in-law & I decided to do some shopping and my hubb stayed home with Bennie while she took her daily afternoon nap. We went to the Glendale Galleria which I have not stepped foot in for at least 15 yrs since I moved away. We drove to La Crescenta where I used to live and work that many years ago too. Of course we had to make our pizza stop in Eagle Rock, which was home to a lot of my relatives who have now moved away too. We had so much fun laughing and talking while driving from one place to the other, by the time we got back to the house it was 9:30. We were cracking up and having a good ole time while we looked at some of the pictures that I have posted on my FB profile. Since my hub had to work on Monday he gave me the sign that it was time to leave. My word it was 11:30 and we still had an hour drive home!!!

I really miss living down in LA sometimes because there is so much to do and see.  Even though it is lonely for me here in the IE I know that in reality I probably could never live there again because my kids live in the IE and I would miss my grandbabies too much.  Maybe I'll just visit more often & go shopping or sight seeing, who knows......

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